MS Word Bold, Italic, Underline, Font size and color, Alignment

MS Word is an application software developed by Microsoft to process textual matters. MS Word is a word processor application. It is an application of MS Office Package. 

It has many useful tools to make our work easier.

Formatting features of MS-Word 

  • Bold: It allows you to Bold the text of your document. The shortcut key is Ctrl+B for making the text Bold.
  • Italic: It allows you to Italicize the text of your document. The shortcut key is Ctrl+I for making the text Italic
  • Underline: It allows you to underline the text of your document. The shortcut key is Ctrl+U for making the text Underline.
  • Font Size- To Change the font size.
  • Font Color-To change the color of selected text.
  • Alignment-To adjust the text position in a document. There are four types 
    1. Left Align (Ctrl+L)
    2. Center Align (Ctrl+E)
    3. Right Align (Ctrl+R)
    4. Justify (Ctrl+J)       

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