MS Excel-Introduction

MS Excel- An Introduction

Spreadsheet: - It is application software used to enter, calculate and manipulate data. It accepts data in tabular form.

Open Office.Org Calc, MS Excel, Gnumeric, KSpread are some spreadsheet software.

When we start Excel, a file is opened with a temporary name-'Book-1'.

MS Excel: - Excel is also spreadsheet software. The extension name of excel file is .xlsx  

 Components of MS Excel windows: -

  • Worksheet: - A worksheet is made up of rows and columns. A workbook is a collection of worksheets. By default a workbook has three worksheets.

  • Row Header: - Each row has a number on its left side called Row Header.

  • Column Header: - Each column has a heading in the form of alphabets called Column Header. It starts from A to Z, AA…. AZ, BA…..BZ, AMA……AMJ.

  • Cell: - A Cell is an intersection of row and column. Each cell has a unique address formed by Column letter and row number.

  • Active Cell: - When you click on any cell a thick black border is appeared this cell. Data can be entered only in active cell.

  • Name Box: - The cell address is displayed in this box. It is located below the formatting toolbar on the left side.

  • Formula bar: - It is located right hand side of Name Box.

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