MS PowerPoint- An Introduction

 Computer Education


MS Power Point is an application software developed by Microsoft used to create presentations and display in the form of slide show.


It is similar to Open Office Impress, Google Slide, Canva. A file created in MS Power Point has an extension .pptx.  


The components of Power Point Application Window-

Application Window of MS Power Point 2010

Title Bar- Displays the name of the application and the file currently in use.


The Ribbon- Displays the functions and tools available to work with your presentation.

Quick Access Toolbar- Enables you to customize the toolbar to contain the commands that you use most frequently.

File tab (Backstage View)- Provides access to basic commands such as New, Open, Save, Print and Share and helps to customize the application.

Slide- The area which will be displayed as full screen when viewed in Slide Show mode. In other words we can say that Slides are the pages of a presentation.

Presentation- A file created in MS Power Point is called Presentation. It is a collection of slides.

Status Bar- Provides information relating to features such as slide number, spell check and shortcuts to Notes, Comments, different views and zoom functions.

Placeholder- Displayed as dotted lines which allows you to identify where you can add text, and insert elements such as images or tables.

Slides Pane: - It contains the thumbnail pictures of all slides.

Task Pane: - It contains the features which are used to format a slide like layout, design and effects.

Workspace: - It is the blank area where we design our slides.

Guidelines to make an effective presentation: -

  • Keep it simple.
  • Minimize facts and figures in slides
  • Use proper colors and effects. 
  • Edit ruthlessly(Imagine as a listener)
  • Don't Parrot Power point Presentation.
  • Make eye contact with audience.
  • Make a powerful first impression


Computer Education

Design Template: - Design Templates are predefined files to set the layout, background and color schemes of a presentation.



 Different View of a Slide: -

 There are following views are available in MS Power Point.




Normal View: - It is the main view for creating and editing a slide.

Outline View: - This view shows the text content of all slides in a presentation.

Slide Sorter View: - It displays a miniature version of all slides in a presentation. We can change the order of slides, copy or deletes slides.

Notes Page View: - In this view we can add notes to a slide. These notes are not visible when the presentation is shown.

Reading View: - It helps to play your slide show in the power point windows to see animations and transitions without switching to a full screen slide show.


Slide Show view: - This view displays all the slides on full screen with effects. 



Slide Master: - Slide master contains the default setting for the format of each slide in a presentation. Any change made on slide master affects all slides in a presentation.


Click on View Tab ----> Slide Master.


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