List and Images in HTML

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List & Images

There are following types of lists in HTML-

        1. Unordered List

        2. Ordered List

        3. Definition List

1. Unordered List <UL>:- This tag is used to display a bulleted list.

2. List Item <LI>:- This tag is an empty tag used to display listed items in both ordered and unordered list.

Attributes of UL Tag:-

  • Type: - It specifies the type of bullets used with <UL> tag. The default value of this tag is "DISC". The possible values are- disc, circle, square.

Ordered List <OL>: - The ordered list is used to display the list of items in a specified order. By default numbers are displayed.

Attributes of <OL> Tag:-

  • Type: - It specifies the type of number used with <OL> tag. The possible values are- "A", "a", "I", "i", 1.
  • Start: - It specifies the location from where the numbering order starts. Its value will be always a number.

Nested List: - When a list is created within a list it is called nested list.

Example 1:-



<Title> Lists in HTML</Title>



Computer and its Parts- <Br> There are two parts of computer.<Br>

<OL type="A" start=3>


            <UL type="circle">

                    <LI> System Software

                    <LI> Application Software


    <LI> Hardware

            <UL type= "square">

                    <LI> Input Devices

                    <LI> Output Devices

                    <LI> Processing Device

                    <LI> Storage Devices





Definition Lists: - <DL> is used to present a list of definitions for terms. It consists a pair of <DT> Define Term and <DD> Definition Description elements.

Example 2:-



<Title> Definition Lists</Title> 




        <DT> Computer</DT>

                <DD> Computer is an electronic machine. </DD>

        <DT> Hardware</DT>

                <DD> Hardware is the physical parts of computer.                     </DD>




Inserting Images:- <Img> tag is used to insert an image. It is an empty tag.

    Attributes of <Img> tag:-

            Src: - specifies Image Paths.

            Align: - To set alignment. It may be Left, Top, right,                                 bottom.

            Border: - To set image border. It contains a number in                     pixel. Greater the number thicker the border.

            Alt: - To display alternate text when browser does not                     display image.

            Height: - To set image height in pixels.

            Width: - To set image width in pixels.

            Hspace: - Used to set space around the left and right                     of the image.

            Vspace: - Used to set space around the top and bottom                 of the image.

Click on this Image for Video Tutorial

Example 3:-



<Title> Images in HTML</Title> 



<Img Src=" C:\Users\JRLAB\Desktop\bike.jpg" Height=150 width=300 Hspace=100

vspace=100 Border=5 align="right" Alt=" Future Bike">



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